Relax with all your favourites
Take a Break Puzzle Magazines have been around for more than 30 years, and with 21 titles currently available there’s something for everyone.
Take a Puzzle

From codebreakers to crosswords, illustrated puzzles to logics, Take a Puzzle has page after page of puzzles for you to enjoy — that’s hours of fun for the whole family!
Price: £3.50
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Mixed
Take a Crossword

The nation’s favourite monthly crossword title, each issue contains a fantastic selection of over 70 puzzles, plus a treasure trove of great competitions. You’ll find everything from tea-break teasers to cranium-crunching cryptics, as well as thousands of pounds in prizes waiting to be won.
Price: £3.50
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Crossword
Puzzle Selection

A huge variety of all your favourite puzzles – over 110 of them – all in full colour just ready and waiting for you to enjoy.
Price: £3.70
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Mixed

The Take a Break Puzzle Collections are here to meet all your Arrowword, Criss Cross, Wordsearch and Crossword needs.
Price: £3.70
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Arrowword, Criss Cross, Crossword, Wordsearch

The Mini magazines are small enough to fit in your pocket but still packed with puzzles!
Price: £3.40-£3.50
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Arrowword, Codebreaker, Crossword, Mixed, Sudoku, Wordsearch
Puzzle Collection

164 pages featuring all the classics. Sudokus, crosswords, wordsearches, criss crosses, codebreakers and arrowwords are all here in abundance, so if you like variety this is the magazine for you.
Price: £4.70
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Puzzle type: Mixed
My Favourite Puzzles

Our hand-picked collection of wordsearches, crosswords, arrowwords and more from the UK’s bestselling women’s weekly, Take a Break. Each issue is jam-packed with over 100 of your favourite puzzles, including Strike it Lucky, Just for Fun and Now for Something Different.
Price: £3.40
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Mixed

The clues in an arrowword are enclosed in the grid and you simply write your answers in the direction of the arrows. Every issue of Arrowwords features more than 60 of these popular puzzles.
Price: £3.30
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Arrowword

Codebreakers are fiendishly addictive puzzles in which every letter in a typical crossword grid has been replaced by a number. Work out the words to crack the code. Try terrific twists on the classic puzzle as well as plenty of traditional codebreakers and a selection of cryptograms too.
Price: £3.30
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Codebreaker
Hide’n’Seek Wordsearch

Over 80 wordsearch grids with a unique hide’n’seek twist. Like a normal wordsearch, you begin by crossing out all the listed words in the grid. However, when you’ve finished, all the unused letters within the grid will spell out a word or phrase related to that puzzle’s theme.
Price: £3.50
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Wordsearch
Picture Arrowwords

For those who like their puzzles colourful and packed full of pictures. Picture Arrowwords also contains variants such as Say What You See and Picture Code, which features some words of wisdom from a celebrity face.
Price: £3.50
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Arrowword

Take a Break Su-doku contains 80 great su-dokus along with innovative variations, like the ever-satisfying and very popular 16x16 grid, to keep boredom at bay for hours on end.
Price: £3.60
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Sudoku

Take a Break Wordsearch is chock-full of great wordsearches to while away the time – whether you’re looking for a tea-time teaser, or an afternoon of challenge, there’s something held within its page s for you. Along with a cash prize competition, there’s also the chance to have your own wordsearch printed in every issue, or to contribute an answer to a future puzzle.
Price: £3.30
Frequency: Monthly
Puzzle type: Wordsearch